Friday, January 02, 2009

waiting is the hardest part...

I'm sitting in LAX waiting for my flight to leave. I was only here 3 hours early like a good passenger. My pap would be so proud of me. I'm also feeling queezie, I may just have the revenge part of the montazumas revenge. power cords are at a premium here and someone is streaming Beyonce right next to me. AND her new stuff is quite untolerable. So here are some photos of my vist with my favorite brother(s) w00t! I can't wait to be back on the East Coast. I hate this crazy time zone crap. I can't sleep in it and I'm very disgruntled.

I had such a great visit with Jim, Derek and Shelagh. We saw Hollywood in record time. Derek and I finialized the meal for Christmas Dinner next year! We got a lot done. I'm bringing peas from PA. haha. It was so great to see them and their house was totally cute. I loved it sooooo much!

Well next time I blog I will be on the East Coast. How I miss it sooooooo......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the most important thing... did you see laurens house or see lauren or heidi or spencer?